Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Blog Social Networking

Social Networking has changed the way we communicate with one another. Using social networks to connect with other is no longer a tool used by friends or families, they are also being used on a much larger scale. In the New York Time article, "How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks' Power" we see how social networking was used in a presidential campaign. It was not only cost effective but also connected the citizens to their then president to be. Social networking allows users to connect with one another no matter how the great the distance is between them. Social networking also has many other uses, it is a platform for change and place for many to voice their opinions. We actively see several groups, organizations, and influential figures posting about ideas that matter to them and seek to educate others.

There are many benefits to social networking. Social networks such as LinkedIn have provided many with career opportunities. It also requires very little effort to get involved in the social networking community, an internet connection and usually just an email. The accessibility of social networks is what makes using them so easy. Another benefit of social networking is that it allows us to see situations from others perspectives. For example, I remember a discussion in my political science class about how social networking helped with the crisis in Syria. We were able to connect with those who had access to Internet and realize the severity of the crisis and send help. There were videos and pictures posted showing the situation they were which led to action, which may not have occurred at the time it did without the use of social networking.

I believe there is however a 'dark side' to social networking. In the article "They're Back, and They're Bad: Campus-Gossip Web Sites," we see the negative things that come with social networking. Anonymity allows users to post hateful messages against other which could have very negative consequences. There have been several movies and t.v. shows about cyber-bullying that highlight the 'dark side' of social networking. Another negative side to social networking is the lack of privacy.

In the future I think social networking will play an even greater role in our society. We already have companies using virtual reality in their products, like virtual reality glasses. I think that social networking will have a similar form. Where we can post a picture or a video and it would allow the viewer to experience it as if they were there.

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