Monday, October 23, 2017

Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

The virtual world has opened a variety of different uses for users. By offering an alternate reality, users are able to do and be someone they aspire or wanted to be but couldn't.

For example in the article, "I've Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life" we see how virtual reality allows us to be in places far or near from the comfort of our homes. The person left the club because it was to crowded and dirty, but was still able to enjoy the concert by leaving and 'participating' it in from her virtual avatar. This is a positive aspect of virtual reality, because it allows us to stay away from uncomfortable situations, while not having to miss out on what we want.

The article also talks about designing avatars, and one of the quotes about the avatar's description, '"He looks like a cooler version of you," my girlfriend told me." This is an example of the cons of virtual realities. By having the freedom to design an avatar that can have everything we cannot can create a sense of negative self-esteem or self-image. It can also lead to a loss of identity because many people tend to get absorbed in their online persona. This is also seen in the study conducted in the article, Virtual world may impact real-world behaviour," where characters that played villains gave more chili sauce to participants, and the heroes gave chocolate. There is correlation between the actions and the characters each group respectively played as.

The virtual world also fosters creativity. Online classes and seminars offer several ways for people to learn new things. We can connect with intellectuals and experts from around the world. Discussions involving people from several parts of the world bring in new perspectives and ideologies.

In the future, I think that virtual worlds will be very popular. I also think that school and work will also be virtual, similar to this class. We will be able to enter the virtual world to conduct activities. Accessibility will be even easier, and the quality will be improved. I also think there were will be applications similar to the virtual reality glasses, that will make the appearances even more life like.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on how virtual world fosters creativity, it is really neat how we are able to connect with so many people around the world with just access to the internet!


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