Monday, November 27, 2017

Blog: Next New

I would like to see something like a smart wallet. Many people carry around bulky wallets stuffed with cards and receipts. The smart wallet would store all your credit card information and allow you to access them through a smart screen when you need to pay. The wallet could have customization based on what the buyer wants, such as size, color, types of apps or capability and memory storage. It would be a safe place to store the information and won't be as big as conventional wallets.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Blog: Wiki So Far

I have been adding to the Social Networking page on the Wiki. I have contributed to the Self-Esteem portion of the page, that was the main focus of my term paper so I wanted to add some of the information I found during my research. I have also started adding pictures to the page that relate to the information that is already on the page.
I plan on adding more information to the page and videos as well.

Blog: P2P

File-Sharing allows users to exchange various types of files over the Internet.
P2P File-Sharing allows users to share and access files that are specific to certain networks. It stands for peer-to-peer.
An example of P2P file sharing is BitTorrent. In the reading The BitTorrent Effect, it lets users access and contribute large files and data. It is the source of more than 1/3 of the data that is transferred on the Internet. Users are attracted to BitTorrent because of how efficient it is, downloading large data takes minutes.

Monday, November 13, 2017


If I were to use new media to improve the college, I would implement in the classrooms. One of the biggest issues that I see in the classroom is the lack of of working dry erase markers and dirty whiteboards. I would advise the college to provide each student with a wireless device (laptops or tablets) that would allow them to connect to the professor and access their notes. Similar to the technology used by the creators on Khan Academy, professors can virtually write notes that are not only neat but also do not get lost after the lecture. Students would be able to sign in to class by joining the session and leave questions/comments on the virtual notes (like Google Docs) for other students and professor to see. I believe that by implementing this sort of new media would not only solve the problems that delay the start of many classes, but would also provide a better learning experience.


There are several issues that arise with privacy and confidentiality in new media. Without realizing it we disclose a lot of details about our personal lives. Especially on social media, we are able to post and share pictures and details about our locations. It is important that we be careful about what we post and when we post, because that information negatively against you. Even though many websites are encrypted and supposedly secured there are still some cases in which data is breached or hacked. There have many cases where social media accounts have been hacked and sensitive information has been leaked. This is a common case we see with celebrity social media accounts, last year there were many celebrity accounts that were hacked and used to leak private photos of them. There have also been cases in which bank accounts have been hacked through use of online banking or mobile apps.

If you Google search yourself, it is very likely that you will find at least one picture of yourself that is probably from one of your social media accounts. It is important to be conscious about what you post because what you post can be possibly be viewed by anyone, even if you think it is a private post. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Creativity and New Media

For my English project, I had to utilize some form of new media to revise my essay and bring it into life. The topic of the essay was my daily routine to get to school, and describe the things I see on my journey to school. I decided to use animations to create an avatar of myself that depicts my morning routine from waking up and getting all the way to school.
(I created the character to represent myself in pink)
It also included the way we are exposed to different forms of marketing and media without realizing it.

I was able to utilize new media to bring words from essay into 'life'. I enjoyed making the animations more than writing the actual essay because it was easier to express myself, and was way more creative. I would prefer making a video over writing an essay any day.

HW Creativity

New media fosters creativity in simple, inexpensive way. It is very easy to access tools and resources that allow us to display creativity without having to worry about high costs or stress about finding something helpful. I simple Google search connects us with a wide range of resources that would have been hard to come across in a time where new media was not as accessible as it is today. The possibilities of creating content in new media is vast, and there is so much for us to take advantage of.
We see this in the article, "1+1+1=1 The New Math of Mashups." New media has had a visible impact on the music industry. Mashing up content has become easier and does not require expensive add-ons or features. If someone is interested in music or just wants to 'play around' with their music creativity they can do so without hindrances. "You do it all yourself." It has also made people more independent, they do not require the need of recording studios they just need a computer. "Armed with free time and the right software, people are rifling through the lesser songs of pop music and, in frustration, choosing to make some of them as good as the great ones." Thea article shows that there is always room for creativity in any field. Through the use of new media in mashing up music industry, artists are able to bring a new outlook of existing music. 
The accessibility of new media not only foster creativity, but also opportunities. 

Blog: Next New

I would like to see something like a smart wallet. Many people carry around bulky wallets stuffed with cards and receipts. The smart wallet ...